It is tradition to wear one’s wedding ring closest to their heart and
wear the engagement ring on the same finger over the wedding band. It is therefore important to consider how the rings will fit together. It is possible to select an engagement ring that is part of a matched set, however if this is not your case, you may be struggling with how to choose your wedding band. You can select for your wedding band to perfectly match your engagement ring or to be a complementary match. A perfectly matched band may be a band that was designed with your particular ring in mind or one that is crafted with the same metal and/or design. A complimentary match is a wedding ring that flatters the engagement ring and may make your pair look more unique. One must first decide their preference on perfectly matching or complementary matching and th
en consider several items before selecting your wedding band.
1.Do you want the wedding band to sit flush against the engagement ring? This
is often the traditional choice, however, alternatively one might want to high-light both rings as separate pieces and not have them stacked or flush-fitting.
2. Do you want your band to be notched?
3. Do you want your wedding band to be contoured to match the curvature of
your engagement ring?
4. Do you need your wedding band to be both notched and contoured in the case of an engagement ring with a dramatic, elongated shape (oval, marquise or emerald cuts)
5. Do you plan on taking your engagement ring off for activities such as exercise and/ or travel? In this case a contoured or notched ring is not recommended as without the engagement ring, the wedding ring may not be as aesthetically pleasing with these alterations apparent and visible.
However, if designed properly the notch or contoured portion can be turned around to the back-side of the finger and provide a more esthetically pleasing look while wearing the wedding ring on its own.
6. Is your ring a solitaire i.e. has one diamond? You may want to enhance it with an “enhancer ring”.
7. Does your ring have gemstones?
8.Does your ring have halo stones?
9.Does your ring have side-stones?
10.What type of metal is your ring? (Platinum will read PLAT or PT, Gold will read 14K or 18K)
These 10 items are all important considerations. One of the benefits of shopping for your band at Allurez is the ability to customize both your engagement ring and wedding band. This makes for a smooth and easy selection process with numerous possible combinations. Since one plans to wear the two rings for the rest of their life the custom design process is well worth it. If you have questions about your wedding band selection contact an Allurez representative for personalized assistance.